With these kits, permanent repairs can be made to leaks whilst the pressure is live, and where the pressure can be completely turned off and isolated. Repairs would usually be expected to be completed and secure with half an hour, greatly reducing any down times or potentially expensive stoppages. Can be used underwater.
Suitable for use on all metal pipes, and various types of plastics, PVC, concrete, fibreglass etc
Kit sizes (all kits contain disposable gloves, instructions and a plastic tub)
- Up to 100mm pipe Wrapkote PR504 (50mm x 1.8m) x 4, Wrapkote SG527 (125gm) Wrapkote ET999 (24mm x 3m) or Wrapkote LS911 (38mm x 0.7m)
- Up to 200mm pipe Wrapkote PR504 (50mm x 3.6m) x 4, Wrapkote SG527 (125gm) Wrapkote ET999 (24mm x 3m) or Wrapkote LS911 (38mm x 0.7m)
- Up to 300mm pipe Wrapkote PR504 (75mm x 3.6m) x 4, Wrapkote SG527 (125gm) Wrapkote ET999 (24mm x 3m) or Wrapkote LS911 (38mm x 0.7m)
- Up to 400mm pipe Wrapkote PR504 (100mm x 3.6m) x 4, Wrapkote SG527 (125gm) Wrapkote ET999 (50mm x 11m) or WrapkoteLS911 (50mm x 0.9m)
Selecting the correct kit size is important and can be confirmed using the Tape Size chart on WRAPKOTE PR504 Technical Data Sheets.
- Use for pipe size up to 400 mm
- Use for pressures up to 450 psi
- Resistant up to 240°C
- WRAS approved
- Professional Use